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Children Ministries

The goal of our Children Ministries is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that children can understand and disciple them as they mature to be followers of Christ and servants in the church.

Children's Church
Sunday Mornings

Children's Church offers an opportunity for children to learn more about the Bible and interact with other kids.  It's our mission to plant small seeds in the hearts of children and let God grow them!  


During the Sunday Morning Worship Service children are dismissed to Children's Church at the front of the sanctuary.

Leader:  Kristen Hall
Wednesday Nights

Awana is an age-based program that strives to reach kids and their families with the gospel.  We have groups for ages PreK-5th Grade.  Children study the Bible, memorize scripture, and learn how to apply it in their lives.  We also learn about missions and the need to help others!  As children complete various stages in the program, they earn a reward.

Leader:  Renee Swanson
Puppet Ministry
Wednesday Nights

This is a wonderful ministry that teaches God's Word through puppets for Grades         1 -5.  Come join the fun learning to be a puppeteer, singing, music, and art. We have new stages for new and prior puppeteers!!!


We meet on Wednesday nights through September 7th at 6:45-8:00 pm


Leaders:  Ken and Caroline Evans

Vacation Bible School

VBS is a summer ministry,  held every July, for kids who have completed PreK - 5th Grade.  At VBS, kids will enjoy singing and dancing,  making crafts, playing games, winning great prizes, and learning important truths from God's Word!!


Information about VBS 2023 will be coming soon!!!





Leader:  Juli Karr

But Jesus called to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the Kingdom of God."

Luke 18:16

© 2022 Baptist Tabernacle Church

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